The One Reason TEEClean Beats All the Competition

The One Reason TEEClean Beats All the Competition

In medical diagnostics, ultrasound probes are crucial for imaging various parts of the human body. Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) ultrasound probes, used extensively in echocardiography, require thorough cleaning and high-level disinfection between uses to ensure patient safety. Once upon a time, cleaning and high-level disinfecting a TEE probe was a daunting task. Each step of the manual process had to be meticulously followed to avoid errors that could lead to the spread of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Healthcare workers in cardiology departments had to stress to ensure each probe was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, knowing that one mistake could have serious, potentially life-ending consequences.

This all changed with the introduction of the TEEClean® Automated TEE Probe Cleaner Disinfector. The simplicity of TEEClean revolutionized the process, ensuring efficiency and safety, all in a single device. Traditionally, reprocessing has been labor-intensive and prone to human error. Automated cleaner disinfectors like TEEClean have transformed this process, simplifying it and enhancing efficiency, thus reducing risks. However, TEEClean is unique and beats out all the competition for one big reason: simplicity.

Challenges of Manual Reprocessing

Ultrasound probes, including TEE probes, are essential in numerous medical procedures. They come into direct contact with mucous membranes and non-intact skin, making meticulous cleaning and reprocessing crucial to prevent cross-contamination and HAIs. These probes are classified as semi-critical under the Spaulding Classification System, necessitating high-level disinfection after every use, even when a probe cover or condom is used, according to the CDC.

Manual cleaning and reprocessing are labor-intensive and error-prone. Strict adherence to regulatory guidelines is required, and any lapse can lead to significant risks for patient safety and financial repercussions for healthcare facilities. Human operators often struggle to achieve consistent cleaning and disinfection, compromising patient safety.

Why TEEClean Stands Out

TEEClean Automated TEE Probe Cleaner Disinfector surpasses competition because of its simplicity. It manages every step of the reprocessing procedure—from cleaning to high-level disinfection and rinsing—within one device. This streamlined process saves time and reduces complexity, making it easier for healthcare professionals to ensure that probes are thoroughly disinfected every time.

TEEClean even allows electrical leakage testing to be performed simultaneously with cleaning and disinfection. To comply with standards set by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC), The Joint Commission (TJC), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and others, your facility must test TEE probes for electrical leaks between each use. This feature, not available in other automated reprocessors, adds an extra layer of ease and efficiency to workflows.

Benefits of Automated Reprocessing

TEEClean offers numerous benefits over manual methods. It ensures consistent and standardized procedures, reducing the likelihood of errors and increasing patient safety. It also helps protect delicate TEE probes by reducing handling, thereby minimizing potential damage.

Automating the reprocessing procedure improves efficiency and reduces the time required for probe reprocessing. This allows healthcare facilities to increase patient throughput and optimize resource allocation. By eliminating the time-consuming steps of manual reprocessing, facilities can streamline their procedures and focus more on patient care.

Moreover, automation minimizes the risk of human error and variability, ensuring consistent and reliable probe disinfection. This means probes will always be safely reprocessed, assuming proper drying, storage, and transportation protocols are followed. Utilizing TEEClean to prevent the spread of HAIs is a simple step toward the ultimate goal of all medical procedures: improving the health and well-being of patients.

TEEClean also provides comprehensive documentation and traceability of reprocessing procedures, enabling easier regulatory compliance and auditing. It even reduces healthcare personnel's exposure to harsh and potentially hazardous chemicals used in the cleaning and disinfection process, enhancing workplace safety.

TEEClean significantly reduces the time required for reprocessing. Automated reprocessing is much faster than manual methods, which can be a godsend in departments where staff is already stretched thin. Not only does it minimize the time spent reprocessing, but it also frees staff to work on other things rather than observe a probe sitting in a bucket of disinfectant.


Years ago, reprocessing TEE probes was cumbersome and error-prone, posing significant risks to patient safety and full of inefficiency on many levels. Today, with TEEClean, healthcare professionals can reprocess probes quickly and reliably, ensuring each probe is thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, rinsed, and safe to use.

TEEClean’s simplicity is its greatest strength. By integrating all steps of the reprocessing cycle into one device and adding the unique feature of simultaneous electrical leakage testing, TEEClean ensures that healthcare professionals can focus on providing excellent patient care. For facilities looking to streamline their ultrasound probe reprocessing procedures, TEEClean is the clear choice. Discover how TEEClean can revolutionize your reprocessing practices by contacting CS Medical today. Together, let's make healthcare safer and more efficient, one probe at a time.

About CS Medical

Founded in 2003, CS Medical LLC is a leader in developing, manufacturing, and marketing medical devices that are designed to provide cleaning and high-level disinfection of ultrasound probes. Our products are engineered and developed with one single objective in mind: to minimize the potential of patient exposure to improperly reprocessed ultrasound probes. Our core products, the TEEClean® Automated TEE Probe Cleaner Disinfector and Ethos Automated Ultrasound Probe Cleaner Disinfector, are examples of our ongoing commitment to innovation and to the health and safety of medical patients and staff.

Beyond cleaning and high-level disinfection of endocavity and surface ultrasound probes, CS Medical believes in managing the quality of care given to delicate ultrasound probes. Our product offering provides solutions for healthcare facilities to minimize ultrasound probe damage and reduce the potential of contaminating high-level disinfected probes prior to use. The products address the following areas: bedside cleaning, point of care cleaning, electrical leakage testing, drying, transporting, and storing the ultrasound probe. Our objective is to manage the care given to each ultrasound probe thus allowing for a reduction in healthcare associated infections.

Located in Creedmoor, North Carolina, CS Medical's products provide quality device care and storage by minimizing healthcare operational costs, improving device readiness, and increasing regulatory compliance.