
Probe Cleaner Disinfectors and HIPAA Compliance

Probe Cleaner Disinfectors and HIPAA Compliance

According to HIPAA, ePHI is, “any protected health information that is created, stored, transmitted, or received in any electronic format or media.” Any medical device which retains this information can prove to be a weakness in your facility’s defense of patient ePHI...

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Proper Cleaning: How It Affects the Outcome of High-level Disinfection

Proper Cleaning: How It Affects the Outcome of High-level Disinfection

Evidence has been presented that semi-critical devices, devices that come in contact with mucous membranes or non-intact skin, such as endoscopes and endocavity probes, cause more healthcare associated infections than non-critical or critical medical devices...

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FAQ: The Importance of Annual Device Verification

FAQ: The Importance of Annual Device Verification

Our CS Medical team receives a lot questions regarding Annual Device Verification, so we’ve put together a list of some of the most common concerns and their responses:

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3 Reasons You Should Automate

3 Reasons You Should Automate

There are at least three solid reasons for making the change to automation and propelling your healthcare facility into the future.

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Are You Storing Your TEE Probes Correctly?

Are You Storing Your TEE Probes Correctly?

Too many facilities have no standardized way of storing transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) ultrasound probes. Some facilities have used transportation cases to store their TEE probes, but that is not their intended use and is actually prohibited in several countries.

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