
FAQ: Are TD-5 and TD-8 Effective Against COVID-19?

FAQ: Are TD-5 and TD-8 Effective Against COVID-19?

At the forefront of every healthcare worker’s mind these days are all the new risks posed by COVID-19. It is easy to feel like COVID-19 is an insurmountable disease which requires a major shift in how we think about high-level disinfection.

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TD 100 Service Videos

TD 100 Service Videos

In an effort to better serve our customers, CS Medical’s Service Department would like to announce the production of TD 100 Service Videos.

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UV Light Box Product Announcement

UV Light Box Product Announcement

CS Medical® is pleased to announce the distribution agreement with AirClean® Systems to offer the UV Light Box. The AirClean Systems UV Light Box is just another example of when collaboration between companies provides a solution in a time of need.

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Is Your Facility Still Compliant?

Is Your Facility Still Compliant?

Organizing and implementing self-assessments may feel like an added pressure, but as everyone in the healthcare industry knows: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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How Water Quality Affects Healthcare

How Water Quality Affects Healthcare

Do we have any reason to believe our water is always safe for consumption? More importantly, do we know that our municipal water is safe for rinsing semi-critical devices, like TEE probes and endoscopes, so as to retain high-level disinfection status?

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