
3 Reasons Why You Need QwikDry<sup>®</sup>

3 Reasons Why You Need QwikDry®

Learn why you should be drying TEE probes with QwikDry Ultrasound Probe Drying Cloths prior to storage.

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When Saving Pennies Can Cost Dollars

When Saving Pennies Can Cost Dollars

When it comes to medical devices and the products needed for reprocessing transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) ultrasound probes, generic forms of high-level disinfectant can lead to very serious and costly consequences.

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FAQ: What is Spaulding Classification?

FAQ: What is Spaulding Classification?

Where does Spaulding Classification come from and what are the classifications?

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Does FDA Clearance Matter?

Does FDA Clearance Matter?

What is the FDA and what does it even mean to say that a product has been cleared for use by the FDA and how is such clearance obtained?

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3 Ways You Can Minimize Medical Waste

3 Ways You Can Minimize Medical Waste

Waste has become a major issue over the last few decades. As society has advanced, more and more things have become disposable and we have become more and more willing to just toss things in the trash, even when it's not necessary.

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